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About Solarity

Solarity is a company that has been working tirelessly to facilitate solar energy products to firms and individual clients. We are a firm that not only sell these products, we also market, promote, and advocate this form of alternate energy as a means of not only saving you money, but also saving the Earth.  And we'd like to pass that message along to you!


So what is solar energy?  What are its benefits?  Its hindrances? In short, solar energy is a type of alternate energy source that, as the name implies, derives energy through silicon-based solar panels from the Sun.  What makes such an alternate energy source so desirable is that, compared to the other types of energy sources, this one seems to be the most profitable while still being eco-friendly.


Take another form of energy for instance: say wind energy.  While it could provide you with energy even when the Sun is not shining, it lacks consistency in its delivery of energy.  Wind turbines generally have to be in a very remote location away from cars, trees, or anything that could block wind or deliver turbulence.  They also have to be in a fairly high area, and need the wind to blow constantly in one direction.  With solar energy, on the other hand, as long as the Sun emits light and it hits the solar panel, electricity will be produced.


As you can see, solar energy for us is more than another product that is merely there for the purpose of profits.  We also want to help the environment, and save you a little time, money, and peace of mind.  The next time you think alternate energy and even energy in general, think Solarity.

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